The Limes

Leehe T

Website Manager

Strengths - Full-on optimism.

Weakness - Empty carbs.

Opportunities - Nap time? Yes, please!

Threats - Endless chatter? No, thanks!

Nataly A

Payroll manager

Strengths - A "Yes We Can" attitude.

Weakness - Even when asked to babysit the grandkids.

Opportunities - Flying to Japan for a trip.

Threats - Don’t touch my coffee!

Zvika H


Strengths - Solves complex problems

Weakness - Better keep it short

Opportunities - Entrepreneurship does it for him

Threats - Scary voice

Moran H


Strengths - Gets to you easily

Weakness - Things get to him easily

Opportunities - Will jump through hoops for you

Threats - Jumping through hoops past age 30 gets tricky

Hezi G

VP Marketing

Strengths - Always smiling

Weakness - A bit suspicious, isn't it?

Opportunities - Aim high

Threats - Buried in work

Guy V

VP Media

Strengths - Puts the fun in excel functions

Weakness - Thinks we all talk his wacky-techy gibberish

Opportunities - Has military-like discipline

Threats - Does way too much reserve service

Tal V

HR & Operations Manager

Strengths - Always makes you smile

Weakness - Zero delayed gratification

Opportunities - Always comes to uplift

Threats - Don't touch my Coke Zero

Lital S


Strengths - Calculations are a piece of cake

Weakness - All that sweet cash flow is killing her

Opportunities - Flattery might get you a check

Threats - Don't talk to her before the 15th

Sapir F


Strengths - Amazing with numbers

Weakness - Till it gets to the kids' math homework

Opportunities - Always with the next goal in mind

Threats - Poor is the client who does not pay on time

Liel S

Director of Operations

Strengths - Makes everything possible

Weakness - Impossible requirements

Opportunities - Already working on the next project

Threats - Don't talk to her before 10 AM

Yehuda W

Senior Client Leader

Strengths - Loves to sprint ahead with technology.

Weakness - Hates crawling in traffic.

Opportunities - Flying to the Champions League with Real Madrid.

Threats - Landing back to reality on Monday morning.

Ziv S

Senior Client Leader

Strengths - graphs and numbers

Weakness - Hapoel Petah Tikva

Opportunities - If there is a will, everything is possible

Threats - Hummus at noon

Yifat I

Senior Client Leader

Strengths - Energy is her middle name

Weakness - Likes to fatten people up

Opportunities - Always ready to give a pep talk

Threats - Let's see you say no to her

Maayan S

Senior Client Leader

Strengths - Half of a twin.

Weakness - can’t resist her little prince

Opportunities - Everything has to happen fast.

Threats - Do not touch her hair!

Eran S

Senior Client Leader

Strengths - “Clients” is his middle name

Weakness - Even in Antarctica, he'll be too hot

Opportunities - Infects everyone with his laughter

Threats - Don't touch his vent

Lihi M

Senior Client Leader

Strengths - ake desserts in the kitchen

Weakness - I look forward to eating the sweets I created and seeing the expressions on your faces once you have taken a bite.

Opportunities - It is possible to achieve anything as long as you have the desire to do so.

Threats - Let's wait for the coffee!

Stav P

Senior Client Leader

Strengths - Knows every possible MEME

Weakness - get up in the morning

Opportunities - exercise 4 times a week

Threats - Scrolling TikTok is also a workout

Ravit N

Senior Client Leader

Strengths - Champion at remembering birthdays

Weakness - Loves to indulge in cookies

Opportunities - When are we going to work out? Any time of day is possible

Threats - Watch out! She's from Netanya

Shahar G

PPC Analyst

Strengths - Thriving in Google

Weakness - Drowning in traffic

Opportunities - To move to the Center

Threats - The rents in the Center

Nofar A


Strengths - Remembers every little detail

Weakness - Remembers every little detail

Opportunities - Will give your face a styling oh-so effortlessly

Threats - Keep your distance if you smell of cinnamon!

Zach I

PPC Analyst

Strengths - Chocolate means nothing to him

Weakness - Without lunch, say nothing to him

Opportunities - Got over corona already a long time ago

Threats - Don't touch his truck

Dana S

PPC Analyst

Strengths - Attention to the little things

Weakness - Heat spreader

Opportunities - Good relationships with customers

Threats - Do not play with the air conditioner

Ofer M

PPC Analyst

Strengths - Schedules less than Waze

Weakness - Hardly got up in the morning

Opportunities - Yeast cake

Threats - out of shape

Roy R

PPC Analyst

Strengths - Growth mindset

Weakness - a frequent traveler on the cross-Israel road

Opportunities - a guided trip in the north

Threats - Beer and Beasley Grill

Moshe C

PPC Analyst

Strengths - Think big

Weakness - Too big

Opportunities - Playing soccer

Threats - Maccabi Netanya fan

Hili M

Creative Director

Strengths - Thinks fast

Weakness - Talks fast

Opportunities - Initiative that will blow your mind

Threats - Flying cockroaches

Ori G

Senior Creative

Strengths - Works freely after two plates of hummus

Weakness - Lives at the end of the world

Opportunities - Divorced

Threats - Traffic on Highway 6

Juli A

Social Manager

Strengths - National Champion in finding travel deals

Weakness - No shopping limits

Opportunities - Used corona to nurture her relationship. Result: child

Threats - Uncertainty

Shira A

Social Manager

Strengths - Fashionista

Weakness - Pizza no matter the topping

Opportunities - new songs from Tiktok

Threats - Do not touch my hair

Or B

Social Manager

Strengths - Interested in (almost) every topic that exists

Weakness - However, dosen't have the time to learn everything.

Opportunities - Having a soulful conversation over a cup of coffee.

Threats - There is nothing sweet after the meal

Shiri I

Senior Creative

Strengths - Listening ear

Weakness - ADHD

Opportunities - Orders lunch

Threats - Warms lunch up

Tom H

Senior Creative

Strengths - Gets everything done by 15:00

Weakness - Leaves at 15:00

Opportunities - Says YES to every task

Threats - Says YES to every task

Inbar A

Studio Manager

Strengths - Extra talented

Weakness - Extra nice

Opportunities - Everything has to be perfect

Threats - Everything has to be perfect

Galia T

Senior Designer

Strengths - Her hand is perfection

Weakness - Perfection has its price

Opportunities - Will rebrand you brand new

Threats - The calm before the storm

Tal K

Senior Art

Strengths - reinvent myself every day

Weakness - savory pastries

Opportunities - likes to learn and develop

Threats - sweet pastries


Senior Designer

Strengths - an introvert

Weakness - an introvert

Opportunities - looking into the depth of things

Threats - if you look into the depth, the depth can look back at you

Adi Z

Motion Graphic Design

Strengths - can look beneath the masks

Weakness - Struggling with patience in challenging moments

Opportunities - learnings new things every day

Threats - horror movies

Wendy R

Strengths - Plan ahead

Weakness - Overthinking

Opportunities - Can sing everywhere

Threats - Coffee

Sandra S

Organizational Development Advisor

Strengths - Mentor inside out

Weakness - "The weakness is only in your head"

Opportunities - Turns everyone into a certified CEO

Threats - Alon Gal

Hagay Z


Strengths - Mother tongue: programming

Weakness - The speeding will get him caught

Opportunities - Goes through tasks like kernels

Threats - We need you to come for a meeting

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